Atelier T8.A05


Tutoriel parallèlisme hybride Multi GPU avec OpenMPI et OpenACC .


Arnaud Renard et Jean-Matthieu Etancelin Centre de calcul ROMEO et Francois Courteille/Nvidia.


GPU, OpenMP, openACC, Cuda, openCL, librairie, simulations parallèles, parallèlisme, calcul intensif, HPC, GPU.


  • In this lab you will learn how to program multi GPU systems or GPU clusters using the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and OpenACC. Basic knowledge of MPI and OpenACC is a prerequisite.


The topics covered by this lab are:

  • Exchanging data between different GPUs using CUDA-aware MPI and OpenACC.
  • Handle GPU affinity in multi GPU systems.
  • Overlapping communication with computation to hide communication times
  • Optionally how to use the NVIDIA performance analysis tools


  • La connaissance d’un langage de programmation (Fortran, C, …) est souhaitable.
  • Connaissance basique de MPI et OpenACC.
    • Les ateliers T8.AP02 et T8.A03 permettent de s'initier à OpenACC.
jdev2017/t8.a05.txt · Dernière modification: 2020/07/24 12:44 par
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